* Hi there. This is a blog where I'll try, as best as I can, to describe the process of writing my first novel titled:

commrad calculator Quits Smoking

Two Goals

Long time no see.

I am back to try this blogging thig for the hundreth time. This time, I think I hope, might be different.

My last few attempts at blogging were poetry and memories. Both of them fell victim to my habit of thinking too much. As in, I thought long and hard about 'the concept' of those blogs. I loved the concepts.

I found though that when it came to actually posting new entries, my enthusiasm quickly faded to silence.

This blog is different, but only slightly. I have thought about this concept for a long time, yes, but the idea actually came from my dad via email:

"maybe you should write about you current small town life experience ups and downs etc."

That got me thinking, suprise suprise, and I ended up with this: a blog about trying to write my first novel.

The difference between this and all of my other blog-concepts is that I work on my novel everyday. It is my main occupation.

That does two things, it satisfies my need for arty fartsy self expression, and it gives me plenty of material to blog about.

So here we go.

I'll end off this inital posts with what I have been telling people lately when they ask about the novel, or my new years resolutions. I say

I have two goals this year:

1. To get married

2. To finish my novel

one down, one to go...

1 comment:

Gina A said...

yay mark! you can do it!


the bleachers

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Creative Commons License Comrade Calculator Quits Smoking by Mark Kowgier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada License.