* Hi there. This is a blog where I'll try, as best as I can, to describe the process of writing my first novel titled:

commrad calculator Quits Smoking

{cause the power of the people}

This post will have to be short because I gots to work on my section of a group presentation that I'm giving today in my Teaching World Issues class. Our plan is to focus on water issues around the globe, and we are going to open with a reading of a water myth for the class. We're planning on being cheesily over dramatic by having the lights dimmed and a hand-drum that beats when we switch readers. In an attempt to class it up a bit I'm going to try to get the group to play 'water from the same source' by Rachels as we read. The reason why this song would be, and is, so good is that it puts you in a certain headspace. Like how right after watching a really good film things seem to looks a little bit different as if your life was carrying on the movie; in the exact same way after hearing this song I feel like water would feel if it was an emotion?

right, well...

My proof for this lingering feeling is how the song works on rachel's greatmazing album system/layers. This song sets up the rest of the album, like a river heading down a mountain into a lake. I feel justified in saying this because of the last song on that album 'ny snow globe' which I wont post here because that be akin to spoiling the end of a great film. Either way, nysnowglobe takes some water from that emotion stream and captures it again in a perfect, small glass sphere.

water from the same source by Rachels

No more water metaphors I promise. Instead let me tell that I now officially, somehow, love my job, especially the wonderful people who I get to work with. The second day was as sunny as the sky, and things really seemed like they would be okay. In honor of reminding yourself that things will be okay I'll post up a bonus song. If this song can't cheer you up you have a heart of ice (water metaphor!).

lugulugu kan-ibe by DAVID DARLING & THE WULU BUNUN

{my highlight from last night was being told: ketchup + chips > ketchupchips
then trying it out for myself and spilling katsup all over my white shirt. just so you know i washed the shirt when I got home at oneish and now the stain is gone!


ps thanks jamjam for the actual chips. a good dinner they were}

links: rachels, david darling


Jen said...

<3 you and your stainy shirts.

jaime said...

dude, you + public outreach party totally made my night.
you are so much fun, and i'm so happy to hear that work has turned around for you. claire says that every time she's worked with you, you've kicked ass. you're on fire! way to go!!!!

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